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Marieke Pleßke / SRSim_Bachelorarbeit
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterSRSim parallel ausführen lassen Aktuelle Version: Branch dimer
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Repository for the course "Algorithm Engineering" in the winter term 2021/2022.
Folders: -answers: the answers to exam assignments -code: the coding project on fractal geometry -paper: the .tex files of paper on the project
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Programm for Arduino EPS8266 to make it check if the lights are switched on in the laser lab. Sends an email if someone switched on the lights during an experiment.
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Compares posits (Stillwater Library) and IEEE floats when used for a QR-decomposition
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Johannes Hoffmann / element-desktop
Apache License 2.0A glossy Matrix collaboration client for desktop.
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Christoph Manitz / deconvtool_pm_24
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Christoph Manitz / cube
MIT LicenseUpdated -